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DATA t_matnr_werks TYPE TABLE OF fre_matnr_werks WITH HEADER LINE. LOOP AT t_mard INTO l_mard. t_matnr_werks-matnr = l_mard-matnr. t_matnr_werks-werks = l_mard-werks. APPEND t_matnr_werks. ENDLOOP. DATA t_listed_art_site TYPE TABLE OF wint_listg WITH HEADER LINE. CALL FUNCTION 'WLK1_WRSZ_READ' EXPORTING pi_date_from = sy-datum pi_date_to = sy-datum TABLES pti_matnr_werks = t_matnr_werks pte_listed_art_site = t_listed_art_site. READ TABLE t_listed_art_site TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY artnr = record-matnr BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. record-in_assort = 'X'. MODIFY tt_record FROM record. ENDIF. |